Chromecast Plugin

Basic Code Setup

<!--Load skin, videojs, nuevo and chromecast related plugins-->
<link href="../videojs/skins/nuevo/videojs.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../videojs/video.min.js"></script>
<script src="../videojs/nuevo.min.js"></script>
<script src="../videojs/plugins/videojs-chromecast.min.js"></script>

<!--Video tag setup-->
<video id="player_one" class="video-js vjs-fluid vjs-default-skin" controls preload playsinline poster="images/poster.jpg">
	<source src="//" type="video/mp4">
	<source src="//" type="video/webm">

<!--Initialize the player and plugin-->
	var player = videojs('player_1)';
		//option_name: option_value, option_name: value
	player.chromecast({ metatitle:"Video title", metasubtitle:"Video subtitle" });

Optionally you can display Chromecast icon in controlbar right before fullscreen button instead of larger icon in top-left corner.
	player.chromecast({ button:"controlbar", metatitle:"Video title", metasubtitle:"Video subtitle" });

Requirements and limitations:
  1. Google does not support non-secure origins (HTTP) with Chromecast.
  2. Media file URL must be absolute path with http or https protocol.
  3. Check video formats supported by Chromecast on
  4. For adaptive media streaming, Google Cast requires the presence of CORS headers, but even simple mp4 media streams require CORS if they include Tracks. Read more on CORS headers is also required if media files are located on other than production server.