Rewind Button

From version 5 of Nuevo plugin introduce new "Rewind" and "Forward" buttons to rewind or forward video 10 sconds in time.
By default only forward button is enabled and displayed. To show/hide rewind and forward button you can use simple Nuevo plugin options.
Check Nuevo plugin options code below.
<!--Initialize player + nuevo and hotkeys plugins-->
	var player = videojs('player_1');
		title: "Nuevo plugin for VideoJs Player",
		buttonForward: true

Rewind button is enabled by default, to disable it set appropriate option to false.
		buttonRewind: false

Rewind and Forward time value is 10 seconds by default. It is possible to define other time value, however buttons will not show new value. In example below Rewind/Forward time value was set to 20 seconds.
<!--Initialize player + nuevo and hotkeys plugins-->
	var player = videojs('player_1');
		buttonForward: true,