Thumbs over progress bar

Mouse over progressbar to see the time thumbnails once video started to play.

Code Source

<!--Player and plugin initialization-->
	var player = videojs('player_1');
		slideImage: "images/sprite.jpg" 

To learn what thumbs sprite image should be, what options are available check Nuevodevel demo example and tutorial.
We also prepared a bash script to generate ready sprite image, which you can download free and use if you only have ffmpeg installed on server.

Video.js default progressbar click and move action is not very friendly. For this reason in version 8.1.0 of Nuevo plugin we decided to replace it by own code. This change allows to display smooth shadow image when you click and hold mouse while moving to new time position. By default this option is disabled. If enabled and slideImage or VTT thumbnails defined you can see the effect known from Youtube player.
	var player2 = videojs('player_2');
		slideImage: "images/sprite.jpg",ghostThumb:true